Read Pokemon Radical Red Evolution Changes
- Author: Yuuiii
- Game Download:Pokemon Radical Red
- All Pokemon Radical Red Documentation: Click Here
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Pokemon Radical Red, at its core, is a difficulty hack with additional features; quite similar to Drayano60’s enhancement hacks, which provide access to nearly all the Pokemon while also adding relevant buffs.
It has various amazing features such as Mega Evolution, Pokemon from Gen 1-8, Dynamax Raid Battles, Hisuian Forms, a Much Higher Difficulty & Much More!
If you’re looking for all evolution changes in pokemon radical red, we’ve got you covered! Also, to read all available documentation for pokemon radical red, click here
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Version 3.02
Only the Pokémon listed here have changed the evolution method. The rest evolve the same way as they do in the normal games.
Pokemon Radical Red Evolution Changes
Pokemon that evolve by trading evolve with Link Cable
(This does not always account for Pokemon that need to hold items while trading) This includes the following pokemon:
Many of these evolution changes are to allow some mons to evolve earlier for easier/smoother gameplay at respective splits.
Ivysaur evolves into Venusaur at 36 instead of 32
Pidgey evolves into Pidgeotto at 16 instead of 18
Rattata evolves into Raticate at 16 instead of 20
Rattata-A Evolves into Raticate-A at level 16 instead of 20
Oddish evolves into Gloom at 16 instead of 21
Paras evolves into Parasect at 23 instead of 24
Venonat evolves into Venomoth at 27 instead of 31
Diglett evolves into Dugtrio at 22 instead of 26
Diglett-A evolves into Dugtrio-A at level 22 instead of 26
Psyduck evolves into Golduck at 27 instead of 33
Tentacool evolves into Tentacruel at 28 instead of 30
Geodude evolves into Graveler at 23 instead of 25
Geodude-A evolves into Graveler-A at level 23 instead of 25
Ponyta evolves into Rapidash at level 28 instead of 40
Ponyta-G evolves into Rapidash-G at level 28 instead of 40
Magneton evolves into Magnezone with a Thunder Stone
Grimer evolves into Muk at 40 instead of 38
Grimer-A evolves into Muk-A at level 40 instead of 38
Gastly evolves into Haunter at 23 instead of 25
Voltorb evolves into Electrode at 28 instead of 30
Voltorb-H evolves into Electrode-H with a Leaf Stone
Seadra evolves into Kingra with a Prism Scale
Eevee evolves into Sylveon with High Friendship while Eevee knows a fairy-type move
Cyndaquil evolves into Quilava at 16 instead of 14
Totodile evolves into Croconaw at 16 instead of 18
Hoothoot evolves into Noctowl at 16 instead of 20
Ledyba evolves into Ledian at 16 instead of 18
Spinarak evolves into Ariados at 16 instead of 22
Hoppip evolves into Skiploom at 16 instead of 18
Gligar evolves into Gliscor with a Dusk Stone
Sneasel evolves into Weavile with a Dusk Stone
Teddiursa evolves into Ursaring at 28 instead of 30
Slugma evolves into Magcargo at 23 instead of 38
Swinub evolves into Piloswie at 28 instead of 33
Houndour evolves into Houndoom at 23 instead of 24
Porygon2 evolves into Porygon Z with a Dusk Stone
Smoochum evolves into Jynx at 27 instead of 30
Elekid evolves into Electabuzz at 27 instead of 30
Magby evolves into Magmar at 27 instead of 30
Poochyena evolves into Mightyena at level 16 instead of 18
Zigzagoon evolves into Linoone at 16 instead of 20
Zigzagoon-G evolves into Linoone-G at level 16 instead of 20
Nincada evolves into Ninjask at level 16 instead of 20
Nincada evolves into Shedinja at level 16 instead of 20
Nosepass evolves into Probopass with a Metal Coat
Feebas evolves into Milotic with a Prism Scale
Trapinch evolves into Vibrava at level 34 instead of 35
Vibrava evolves into Flygon at level 44 instead of 45
Cacnea evolves into Cacturne at level 28 instead of 32
Loudred evolves into Exploud at level 36 instead of 40
Corphish evolves into Crawdaunt at Level 28 instead of 30
Clamperl evolves into Huntail with a Water Stone
Clamperl evolves into Gorebyss with a Sun Stone
Shuppet evolves into Banette at level 36 instead of 37
Turtwig evolves into Grotle at level 16 instead of 18
Grotle evolves into Torterra at level 36 instead of 32
Chimchar evolves into Monferno at level 16 instead of 14
Burmy-Female evolves into Wormadam at level 16 instead of 20
Burmy-Male evolves into Mothim at 16 instead of 20
Glameow evolves into Purugly at level 28 instead of 38
Stunky evolves into Skuntank at level 28 instead of 34
Happiny evolves into Chansey with a Shiny Stone
Finneon evolves into Lumineon at level 23 instead of 31
Mantyke evolves at Level 30 or level up with Remoraid in party
Snover evolves into Abomasnow at level 36 instead of 40
Snivy evolves into Servine at level 16 instead of 17
Tepig evolves into Pignite at level 16 instead of 17
Oshawatt evolves into Dewott at level 16 instead of 17
Patrat evolves into Watchog at level 16 instead of 20
Pidove evolves into Tranquill at level 16 instead of 21
Tranquill evolves into Unfezant at level 28 instead of 32
Roggenrola evolves into Boldore at level 23 instead of 25
Sewaddle evolves into Swadloon at level 16 instead of 20
Petilil evolves into Lilligant with a Sun Stone
Sandile evolves into Krokorok at level 28 instead of 29
Archen evolves into Archeops at level 36 instead of 37
Gothita evolves into Gothorita at level 28 instead of 32
Gothorita evolves into Gothitelle at level 36 instead of 41
Solosis evolves into Duosion at level 28 instead of 32
Ducklett evolves into Swanna at level 28 instead of 35
Vanillish evolves into Vanilluxe at level 44 instead of 47
Deerling evolves into Sawsbuck at level 28 instead of 34
Foongus evolves into Amoonguss at level 36 instead of 39
Joltik evolves into Galvantula at level 32 instead of 36
Tynamo evolves into Eelektrik at level 36 instead of 39
Elgym evolves into Beheeyem at level 34 instead of 42
Litwick evolves into Lampent at 34 instead of 41
Axew evolves into Fraxure at level 36 instead of 38
Cubchoo evolves into Beartic at level 36 instead of 37
Mienfoo evolves into Mienshao at level 28 instead of 50
Golett evolves into Golurk at level 34 instead of 43
Pawniard evolves into Bisharp at level 36 instead of 52
Rufflet evolves into Braviary at level 36 instead of 54
Vullaby evolves into Mandibuzz at level 45 instead of 54
Deino evolves into Zweilous at level 44 instead of 50
Zweilous evolves into Hydreigon at level 59 instead of 64
Litleo evolves into Pyroar at level 28 instead of 35
Noibat evolves into Noivern at level 36 instead of 48
Flabebe evolves into Floette at level 16 instead of 19
Skiddo evolves into Gogoat at level 28 instead of 32
Espurr evolves into Meowstic at 23 instead of 25 [Both Genders]
Spritzee evolves into Aromatisse with a Shiny Stone
Swirlix evolves into Slurpuff with a Shiny Stone
Binacle evolves into Barbacle at level 35 instead of 39
Clauncher evolves into Clawitzer at level 34 instead of 37
Rowlet evolves into Dartrix at level 16 instead of 17
Dartrix evolves into Decidueye at level 36 instead of 34
Litten evolves into Torracat at level 16 instead of 17
Torracat evolves into Incineroar at level 36 instead of 34
Popplio evolves into Brionne at level 16 instead of 17
Brionne evolves into Primarina at level 36 instead of 34
Yungoos evolves into Gumshoos at level 16 instead of 20
Charjabug evolves into Vikavolt with a Thunder Stone
Crabrawler evolves into Crabominable at level 30 instead of Location
Thwackey evolves into Rillaboom at level 36 instead of 35
Raboot evolves into Cinderace at level 36 instead of 35
Drizzile evolves into Inteleon at level 36 instead of 35
Skwovet evolves into Greedent at level 23 instead of 24
Rookidee evolves into Corvisquire at level 16 instead of 18
Corviknight has been REVERTED back to vanilla evolution methods
Dottler evolves into Orbeetle at level 27 instead of 30
Rolycoly evolves into Carkoal at level 16 instead of 18
Applin evolves into Appletun with a Sun Stone
Applin evolves into Flapple with a Leaf Stone
Sinistea evolves into Polteageist with a Moon Stone
Hatenna evolves into Hattrem at level 28 instead of 32
Milcery evolves into Alcremie with a Shiny Stone
Meltan evolves into Melmetal with a Metal Coat
Urshifu-Rapid evolves with a Water Stone
Urshifu-Single evolves with a Dusk Stone
Galarian Slowpoke evolves to Galarian Slowbro at Level 37 instead of by Item
Galarian Slowpoke evolves to Galarian Slowking with King’s Rock
Snom evolves with an Ice Stone OR High Friendship at Night
Galarian Yamask evolves to Runerigus at Level 35 instead of by Location
Pokemon cannot normally evolve into Hisuian Pokemon in Kanto. However, there are options to receive Hisuian Eggs from an Egg Giver in Cerulean and Vermillion City. These Pokemon will either be Hisuian Pokemon, or Pokemon with Hisuian Potential and can therefore evolve into their Hisuian counterparts. These eggs are save scummable so you can reset before receiving the egg to get the Hisuian mon you want. A Pokemon with Hisuian potential is denoted by its Hisuian Pokeball. Otherwise, you can evolve Pokemon to their Hisuian forms when you’re in the post-game Sevii Islands. Cyndaquil, Rowlet, and Oshawott now have the option of turning into their Hisuian forms when you choose them as your starter Pokemon. There is also an NPC in Saffron who can give your Pokemon Hisuian potential once (Accessible after Silph Co)
List of Hisuian Pokemon and how they evolve
Qwilfish-H evolves into Overqwil at level 36 when it has Hisuian potential
Scyther evolves into Kleavor with a King’s Rock when it has Hisuian potential
Quilava evolves into Typhlosion-H at level 36 when it has Hisuian potential
Sneasel evolves into Sneasler at level 47 when it has Hisuian potential
Stantler evolves into Wyrdeer at level 44 when it has Hisuian potential
Ursaring evolves into Ursaluna at level 48 when it has Hisuian potential
Dewott evolves into Samurott-H at level 36 when it has Hisuian potential
Petilill evolves into Lilligant-H with a Sun Stone when it has Hisuian potential
Basculin evolves into Basculegion at level 44 when it has Hisuian potential
Rufflet evolves into Braviary-H at level 36 when it has Hisuian potential
Goomy evolves into Sliggoo-H at level 40 when it has Hisuian potential
Sliggoo-H evolves into Goodra-H at level 50 in the Rain Route when it has Hisuian potential
Bergmite evolves into Avalugg-H at level 37 when it has Hisuian potential
Dartrix evolves into Decidueye-H at level 36 when it has Hisuian potential
Seviian pokemon
Doduo-S evolves into Dodrio-S at level 31
Mantyke-S evolves into Mantine-S at level 30, or level up with Remoraid in the party
Teddiursa-S evolves into Ursaring-S at level 28
Feebas-S evolves into Milotic-S with a Prism Scale
Carnivine has no evolution methods
Blitzle-S evolves into Zebstrika-S at level 27
Clauncher-S evolves into Clawitzer-S at level 34
Dhelmise has no evolution methods
Wishiwashi has no evolution methods
Sizzlipede-S evolves into Centiskorch-S at level 28
If you want to download the latest version of the game,click hereand visitpokeharbor.comto download pre-patched Pokemon GBA, NDS, GBC & 3DS ROM Hacks